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Board of Trustees

The York County Library Board of Trustees meets monthly to decide upon Library policies, finances, and other business. Trustees are elected to a four-year term. To learn more, visit, view the By-Laws, or contact Board members directly by emailing


Board Members​

  • Chair: Timothy Steele

  • Vice-Chair: Nancy Nicholson

  • Secretary: Carol Herring

  • Treasurer: Dennis Getter

  • District 1: Nancy Nicholson

  • District 2: Susan Piening

  • District 3: Laura Milem

  • District 4: Terry Plumb

  • District 5: Timothy Steele

  • District 6: Carol Herring

  • District 7: Dennis Getter

Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees meets at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. All meetings are open to the public.


Meeting Schedule:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

*July board meetings are approved during the previous fiscal year.


Public Comments:

Public comment may be allowed at the beginning of the meeting for agenda items only. If permitted, the Board will listen but not respond. Each speaker is limited to two minutes. A maximum of six speakers will be heard — three for and three against any agenda item. Those wishing to speak must sign in on the sheet provided at the entrance.


Meeting Agendas, Minutes, & Recordings:​

Agendas are posted prior to scheduled meetings; minutes and audio recordings of previous meetings are available after they have been approved by the Board. To access the meeting agendas, minutes, or recordings, click the links below.​​










By-Laws Committee Meetings:


Strategic Planning Subcommittee Meetings:
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