Closing Notice: Due to a plumbing issue, York Libary has closed for today, Tuesday, March 25, and will tentatively reopen at 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 26. Please continue to check this website or our Facebook page for updates.
Community Links
CN2 provides quality news programming for Rock Hill, Lancaster, Chester, and the greater tri-county area of South Carolina, as well as many other additional community services, including run time for area churches, live video feeds for debates and special events, commercial advertising for area businesses, and promotion for local nonprofit agencies and community events.
Freedom Walkway celebrates the efforts of the people of Rock Hill and the entire United States of America to achieve the promise of "Liberty and Justice for All." Rock Hill has given rise to its own heroes for justice and equality, and this walkway is dedicated as a reminder that we are guaranteed the rights and freedoms that are the foundations of the American constitutional system.
The Herald is the leading source of local news, information and advertising for residents in the greater Rock Hill, S.C., area, which includes York, Chester, and parts of Lancaster counties. Read today's latest headlines and follow local business, crime, politics, sports, education, and more with an online subscription or for free using your YCL library card and our online database.
The City of Rock Hill Poet Laureate uses their role to create awareness and appreciation for poetry through community outreach, civic engagement, commemoration of the city, and the promotion of literacy across the greater Rock Hill area.
United Way supports SC211, a free and confidential service that helps people across South Carolina find the local resources they need, 24/7. Get help paying bills, finding food, and locating other resources near you. Call 2-1-1 or 866.892.9211, visit, or download the 211 app to get started now.
SCIWAY, the South Carolina Information Highway, is the largest and most comprehensive directory of South Carolina information on the Internet. SCIWAY includes over 50,000 links to other S.C. websites, as well as an amazing collection of maps, charts, articles, and other resources, and is organized by subject areas.
Broadcasting online, on AM-1340, and on FM-100.1, WRHI is York County's award-winning source for news, talk, and sports. Listen to coverage from Fox News, ABC, and WSOC-TV; local news and conferences; school board, city, and county council meetings; weather; and local high school/college sports.