Closing Notice: Due to a plumbing issue, York Libary has closed for today, Tuesday, March 25, and will tentatively reopen at 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 26. Please continue to check this website or our Facebook page for updates.
Fines and Fees Policy
Approved by the York County Library Board of Trustees on Sept. 17, 2009
Revised by the Library Board of Trustees on Sept. 8, 2016
The County Library Board of Trustees is the legal governing body for all public libraries in South Carolina per state statute. As such, they approve all library-levied fines, fees, and charges for use of library privileges, as listed below.
Overdue Fines:
The Library does not charge overdue fines on materials that are late, with the exception of special collection items (Interlibrary Loans, Mobile Hotspots, etc.). Fees will be assessed for items that are lost or damaged.
*Equivalent to local County tax support plus internal library funding support on a per capita basis and subject to change in each new fiscal year, which begins July 1 each year and ends June 30 the following year.
Charges for damaged materials that are still useable:
If the item is still useable, charges for damaged materials will be dependent on the type and amount of damage and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Charges for damaged materials that are no longer useable:
Materials that are damaged beyond continued use must be withdrawn from the collection. Replacement cost rules apply (see policy below).
Payment plans:
The Library will work with users on a case-by-case basis to set up payment plans when the entire charges cannot be paid at one time. The patron’s card will remain blocked until all charges are paid.
The Library will receive payments by cash, personal check, bank/cashier check, or credit card. If check or credit card payments are declined, the Library will charge the patron for any charges levied against the Library by their financial institution or the credit card company, and the patron will be restricted to cash or cashier check payments for all future transactions.
Checks written on closed accounts or used in any other fraudulent manner will be turned over to the York County Solicitor’s Check Fraud Division for prosecution.