Library Cards

Service Update: York County Library is issuing temporary library cards to patrons displaced by Hurricane Helene. These cards are valid for 90 days and can be picked up at any YCL location. Staff will need you to verify your name using some form of identification, if available, and provide a temporary local address.
About York County Library Cards
York County Library cards are free to all York County residents, property owners, workers, and students of higher education. Fees apply to non-residents. Cards are valid at all York County Library locations and SCLENDS libraries to borrow materials, place holds, and access online resources.
Library cards expire every two years and must be renewed. To renew your library card online, fill out our online renewal form, and a library staff member will review the information and process the renewal within 3 business days. You may also call or visit your local YCL location to renew your card.
Getting a Library Card
To get a Library card, visit your local YCL location or the Bookmobile, and bring a valid, current proof of identity and residency. You must also agree to all library card and circulation policies. Library cards for youth ages 17 and under require a completed paper application, signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Want to save time at the library? Complete the online registration form, present your proof of identity and residency at any YCL branch, and receive your library card! Common forms of acceptable proof are listed below; for a complete list, check our Library Card Policy.
Acceptable forms of ID:
Driver's license
South Carolina Department of Transportation ID
Employer or military picture ID
School picture ID
Consular ID
Acceptable proof of residency:
Picture ID with current address
Bank/check statement with current address
Tax notice with current address
Recent utility bill with current address
York County voter registration card
Recent rent receipt with current address
Types of Library Cards
* Maximum Renewals are subject to availability based on holds.
** Excludes interlibrary loan materials, rentals, and bestsellers
*** $25 annual loan fee
Borrowing Periods
1-Week Checkout: DVDs (Limit 10)
2-Week Checkout: Hotspots, New Items, Video Games (Limit 2)
3-Week Checkout: All Other Items
Managing Your Online Account
Your online account is automatically created when you receive a Library card and can be used to view items checked out, renew eligible items, place items on hold, and see if any holds are ready for pickup. To access your account, use the My Account link from our website or Online Catalog.
Please note, a library card number and password are required. The default card number/username is your entire library card number (no spaces), and the default password or PIN is the code you were provided, such as the last 4 digits of your phone number. You can change your password in your Account Preferences or by contacting your local library.
Renewals and Returns
Eligible items will be automatically renewed in your account on their due date. Patrons with email notifications will receive an email once this process has completed listing the renewed items and new due dates. Please note that some items, such as interlibrary loan materials and hotspots, are not eligible for auto-renewal, and digital items (Libby, hoopla, Kanopy, etc.) are also excluded. Items may also be renewed in person or online, unless on hold for another patron.
Return materials inside any York County Library location or an available outdoor book drop. To avoid charges for damages, do not place Interlibrary Loan or audiovisual materials in an outdoor book drop.*
*During library closings, book drops at all YCL locations will be closed. No overdue fines will be charged during these times.
Placing Holds
Placing a hold on an item allows patrons to reserve currently unavailable materials by adding their names to a waiting list. Materials that are newer than six months old cannot be placed on hold from other SC Lends libraries. Holds can be placed at the library, by phone, or online by simply selecting "Place Hold" by the desired item. The library will then notify the patron when that item is available to pick up.
Fines and Fees
The Library does not charge overdue fines on materials that are late, with the exception of special collection items (Interlibrary Loans, Mobile Hotspots, etc.). Patrons will be notified when materials are overdue. Lost or damaged materials are also subject to fees, dependent on the type or amount of damage.
For more about charges for overdue, lost, or damaged items, see the Fines and Fees Policy.