Bookmobile & Outreach
Through the use of its mobile Bookmobile and its Outreach Van, the Outreach Services department of the York County Library in South Carolina promotes and provides library programs, services, and materials throughout the community. Outreach staff attends local events and visits day cares, after-school groups, senior centers, assisted living facilities, and homebound patrons to share stories, books, and more.
About the Bookmobile: The Bookmobile makes bi-weekly visits to York County communities, carrying fiction and non-fiction books and magazines for children, teens. and adults; large print books; e-books and downloadable media; CDs, DVDs, and video games; and more. Children's storytimes and other programs are also offered.
The artwork featured on the Bookmobile is by Will Hillenbrand, noted author and illustrator of more than 50 children’s books.
Using the Bookmobile:
You may browse the collection, apply for a library card, or check out items.
A library card is required to check out items.
Items can be returned to the Bookmobile or to any library location.
Service is not offered during holidays observed by the library or when maintenance is scheduled.
Bookmobile Schedule: View the current schedule online. You can also fill out an online form to request a stop or request a special event.
Bookmobile Virtual Tour: Get an "inside look" at the YCL Bookmobile!
Outreach Van
About the Outreach Van: Featuring a wheelchair-accessible ramp and rolling carts that can be taken into facilities for indoor lobby visits, York County Library's new Outreach Van carries books, CDs and DVDs, magazines, video games, and more to residents in York County communities.
The purchase of this van was made possible by a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the South Carolina State Library, as well as funds from the Friends of the York County Library.
Outreach Van Schedule: View the current schedule online. You can also fill out an online form to request a stop.
For more information about Outreach Services, contact the Outreach Department.

YCL Bookmobile

YCL Bookmobile

YCL Outreach Van

YCL Bookmobile