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Bookmobile & Outreach Services Stop Request Form

The York County Library Outreach Department provides library resources, programs, and services to those who cannot reasonably access a library facility. 

What is the expected age range for this location?

The Bookmobile and Outreach Van are 28 feet long and require adequate room to maneuver. Describe the parking area and how the vehicle can enter and exit:

These conditions are essential for receiving service:

  • All stops must be located within York County.

  • The stop must be open and accessible to the general public. The Outreach Department operates as a branch of YCL and does not close for specific groups or exclude members of the general public.

  • The stop is not located within a 2-mile radius of a branch or another stop.

  • All stops must have a parking area with a visible spot large enough to accommodate the Bookmobile and/or Outreach Van and allow safe entrance and exit from the stop.

  • The Bookmobile/Outreach Van cannot block access to handicapped spots or emergency vehicles and will not park across handicapped spots or striped zones for any amount of time during the visit.

  • Stops must be easily integrated into the schedule.


York County Library reserves the right to cancel a stop should the number of patrons utilizing it drops below a number sufficient enough to justify the service.


Stops that have the greatest need or distance, or those based on outreach target groups, are given priority and evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Consistent usage of services

  • Participation level

  • Circulation over a specified period of time

  • Consistent return of library materials

  • Follows Patron Behavior Policy

Stop Cancellations
Outreach stops may be canceled due to:

  • Tornado warnings

  • Exceedingly cold or hot temperatures

  • Hazardous driving conditions due to flooding, snow, ice, etc.

  • Staff shortage due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances

  • Maintenance and repair


Stop Responsibilities

  • Ensuring adequate parking before the scheduled visit

  • Informing the Outreach staff of any stop closures

  • Ensuring adequate coverage for classrooms so that staff at the stop location can visit the Bookmobile/Van, if applicable


If a stop needs to be canceled or changed, the Outreach staff will notify the designated contact person as soon as possible. York County Library reserves the right to remove any stop from the schedule that does not meet the stated requirements or change the schedule as needed. The department has a fixed schedule and does not make up for missed visits.

I have reviewed the guidelines above and understand that submitting this form does not guarantee service.

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