Closing Notice: Due to a plumbing issue, York Libary has closed for today, Tuesday, March 25, and will tentatively reopen at 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 26. Please continue to check this website or our Facebook page for updates.
Support the Library
The Friends of the York County Library is a non-profit volunteer organization formed in 1975 to support the York County Library. Through membership dues, book sales, and special fundraising activities, the Friends provide funding for non-budgeted library projects, programs, and other needs. Visit Friends of the Library to join the Friends or find more information.
Friends of the Library Book Sales raise funds for the York County Library and are held at the Friends Books on Main store, online, and at library branches and other local sites. Visit Friends of the Library for more information or see the Events Calendar for book sale dates.
Friends Books on Main is a bookstore operated by the Friends of the York County Library. The store features thousands of donated books, DVDs, audiobooks, and CDs at great prices. All proceeds benefit York County Libraries.​
Please consider supporting the York County Library by making a tax-deductible donation through a variety of ways:
Book Donations: Friends of the Library Book Sales are made possible by tax-deductible donations. Books, CDs, audiobooks, and DVDs are accepted at all York County Library locations. The Friends cannot accept encyclopedia sets, magazines, Reader's Digest condensed books, old textbooks, or materials in poor condition.
Donations in Honor or Memory: The York County Library accepts monetary donations to honor or memorialize someone by purchasing a library book, audio book, or dvd. The minimum required donation is $25 for a book or $50 for an audiobook. To make a donation, fill out a donation form and mail it with a check to: York County Library, Administration, PO Box 10032, Rock Hill, SC 29731.
Monetary Donations: Monetary donations go to our Bucks for Books campaign to purchase new books for the York County Library. To make a donation, mail a completed donation form with payment to: York County Library, Book Budget, P.O. Box 10032, Rock Hill, SC 29731. Book donations for Bucks for Books or requests to donate to a specific branch library cannot be accepted.